- class pyalfe.tasks.quantification.Quantification(pipeline_dir: PipelineDataDir, modalities_all: list[Modality], modalities_target: list[Modality], dominant_tissue: str | None = None)[source]#
This task generates the quantification files. This is the final task in the pipeline.
- pipeline_dir#
The pipeline data directory object.
- Type:
- dominant_tissue#
The dominant tissue where the tumor or lesion is expected to be located at. THe options are white_matter, gray_matter, auto. If auto is chosen, then the dominant tissue is chosen to be the tissue with which the lesion most intersects with.
- Type:
- logger = <Logger Quantification (DEBUG)>#
- get_brain_volume_stats(brain_mask, tissue_seg, ventricles_seg, template_images, voxel_volume)[source]#